

Ciência no DCT


No passado dia 15 fevereiro 2023, pelas 14h30m, realizou-se o 3º Encontro "Ciência no DCT".


  • Graça Brito
    Requalification of industrial urban areas: why and how to avoid unexpected contamination risks? It was presented a methodology to map potentially contaminated soils in urban environments at a preliminary investigation stage, in order to support the need for environmental studies in the scope of urbanistic projects with soil excavations.
  • Fernando Reboredo
    Dietary Supplements - A Risk Assessment. Elemental analysis by X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) was carried out on several dietary supplements derived from terrestrial plants, and it was found that some supplements have concentrations of arsenic or lead that may pose a risk to public health. This risk is increased with higher daily doses recommended by the manufacturer and indicated on the packaging label. In this context, strict quality control by competent authorities is imperative.

Mais uma vez foi uma sessão muito participada, com vários doutorandos, investigadores e docentes do DCT.