Scientific illustration of our student Simão Mateus, from the 1st edition of the MSc in Paleontology http://mpaleontologypt.deviantart.com/art/Lambis-431807492
O mestrado em Paleontologia é lecionado, em associação, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa e pela Universidade de Évora. Foi acreditado pela A3ESs. Estão a decorrer candidaturas (online: https://clip.unl.pt/candidatura/segundo_ciclo) para a 6ª edição deste mestrado.
Mais informação sobre o Mestrado:
FCT-UNL: http://www.fct.unl.pt/ensino/curso/mestrado-em-paleontologia
DCT: http://www.dct.fct.unl.pt/ensino/mestrado-em-paleontologia
Univ. de Évora: http://www.estudar.uevora.pt/Oferta/mestrados/curso/(codigo)/440
MSc in Paleontology (UNL & UE): http://www.dct.fct.unl.pt/en/msc-paleontology
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mpaleontologiapt?fref=ts
A3ES: http://www.a3es.pt/pt/resultados-acreditacao/paleontologia
Estudante Internacional
Foi recentemente criado o estatuto de "ESTUDANTE INTERNACIONAL", ao abrigo do qual estudantes não portugueses se poderão candidatar a mestrados em Portugal. Veja mais informação aqui:http://www.fct.unl.pt/candidato/mestrados e aqui:http://www.studyinportugal.edu.pt/index.p…/courses/2nd-cycle. Estão disponíveis 7 vagas no Mestrado em Paleontologia (FCT-UNL/UÉ). Candidaturas on-line:https://clip.unl.pt/candidatura/segundo_ciclo_internacional.
MSc in Paleontology (UNL & UE)
This Master's degree is jointly offered by the University of Evora and the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the New University of Lisbon, according line b) of the Decree-Law no.74/2006 of 24 of March.
The curriculum of the Master degree in Paleontology comprises a thesis worth 60 ECTS, 8 compulsory courses worth a total of 48 ECTS, and 2 optional courses with 12 ECTS. The student is therefore required to obtain a total of 120 ECTS (including the dissertation of 60 ECTS) to be awarded a master's degree.
Half of the courses will be taught by the University of Évora and the other half by the New University of Lisbon, having been distributed when possible by the two semesters in order to use the laboratorial, human and experimental resources of the two institutions involved. The dissertation takes place in the second year, and the students can choose in which institution they will carry out the research.
The overall objective of the programme is to train postgraduate students with a comprehensive and integrated knowledge on the evolution of Earth and Life. The MSc will promote a cohesive set of lessons, with a value of employability and to act as protection and socio-economic recovery of paleontological heritage. The Master programme will fill a gap in terms of National education in this specific area.
The master’s degree in Paleontology aims to achieve the following general objectives: a)promote a continuous updating of knowledge; b) foster research; c)promote the advancement of knowledge, providing a postgraduate academic training; d) provide a solid foundation that allows an informed decision-making on initiatives involving paleontological/geological heritage as well as its.
Students should acquire advanced training in paleontology and its applications, including the exploration and exploitation of natural resources. Emphasis is placed on preparation and submission of technical and scientific reports and the ability to critical discussion. The consolidation of expertise within the research bibliography, scientific writing and oral communication are encouraged. Practical skills and qualifications, further training to licensees in Biology and Geology, and others, must be provide, as well as a more adequate preparation in paleontology to Secondary school teachers. The MSc includes 8 compulsory and two elective courses (60 ECTS) in the first year. The thesis will be developed in the second year, with the application of acquired knowledge to a case study. All courses will have an applied focus. A portion of contact hours will take place in the field or laboratory, enhancing and developing skills, privileging the learning of autonomy as self-development.
Both institutions want an education quality, with increasing emphasis on the second and third cycles, competitive academic programs aired nationally and of internationally, praising merit as a key measure of evaluation. The promotion of higher education supported by research excellence, ensuring the completion of courses leading to master degree is the signatory Institutions envision for the master's degree in Paleontology. The objectives of Paleontology Master are consistent with the mission and strategy of both institutions and, lead to a proposal advanced training 2nd cycle, innovative and hopefully, with significant social impact.